We at HFix Phones are obsessed with smartphones and gadgets, making us one of the most leading repair service providers in Boston. Either you’re looking for someone to fix your broken screen or wanted to replace your current phone accessories, we at HFix Phones are here for you to solve all your smartphone-related needs.

HFix Phones fixes electronic devices (it’s in our name after all). Whether you’re a secret agent who jumped out of a plane and forgot that your iPhone 6 was in your pocket so it took a painful journey to the ground without a parachute, or you just dropped your tablet in the toilet. Don’t worry, we’ve been there ourselves; maybe not the secret agent part, but we understand how traumatic it is when you break your precious devices.

We’re not overly sentimental, but we do what we do because we care about people and their tech. That’s why HFix Phones works; we put our customers above anything else. Of course we love fixing cracked iPhone screens and broken charge ports, but we get our satisfaction from helping out folks who lost their connection to the outside world.

If your iPad or iPod has a broken screen, a broken headphone jack, or a broken button; bring it to us. In most cases, we can have your repaired iDevice back to you by the following day.

Don’t worry, we’ve been there ourselves; maybe not the secret agent part, but we understand how traumatic it is when you break your precious devices. In most cases, we can have your repaired phone back to you within the same day.